Thirsty For Justice by Valerie Cheers Brown

This is a blog about a dream of industry pioneer kids called the Dream Team from around the world who share their expert opinion about POTABLE water and how they were thirsty for justice. They wanted to continue the fight to add a new article to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and pick up where FLOW producer Steven…

All That Glitters is Not Gold by Valerie Cheers Brown

The goal of this blog is to audit current writing to endeavor to distinguish the potential impending impact of pyrotechnics or fireworks on the respiratory strength of solid and in addition defenseless people and can even be carcinogenic to the well-being of the health. What if we began searching for causes of health issues and especially when…

Why Are So Many People Dying? by Valerie Cheers Brown

I begin to ask, “Why are so many people dying in this country and does anybody even care to find out why a loved one died unexpectedly, especially when so young or even older and not sick, but all of a sudden gets sick because they begin a new medication?” Do people realize how important it…

FOCUS by Valerie Cheers Brown

Ending fluoride medications regards individuals from the overall population who are consumers, leaving choices about youth dental care to dependable guardians and parents.  – Valerie Cheers Brown  Yes, water contamination across the US has been in the headlines again. Here’s the thing you have to understand, water contamination issues are ALWAYS happening around the US, but you…

Tumor Rumor by Valerie Cheers Brown

A substance disconnected from a dark Australian berry has demonstrated potential as a tumor-killing agent, and clinical trials are in progress for its utilization in creatures and people. Guarantee: Scientists have found a berry — found in just a single area of Australia — that can cure disease in 48 hours. Blushwood berries are the…

Wishing for a Pain-free Life by Valerie Cheers Brown

What if I there was a place which taught you how to live without pain? Could there be such a place besides when we dye here on earth? Well, I think that there is and it is called having faith and listening to God. The older I get I must admit I am listening and…

Water and People 1st by Valerie Cheers Brown

POWER and I don’t like using nor throwing this word around but: “When we understand this is how it works and not the other way around, we’ll have found the beginning of a solution to our problems.” – Valerie Cheers Brown We the people in the United States of America it is time to amend the Constitution to…

Food 4 Thought by Valerie Cheers Brown

 FOOD 4 THOUGHT: The short time I studied at Saint Louis Univesity I treasured my “When We Meet God” student prayer handbook which I still hold onto like it is gold! Being born with degenerative disease in 1953 was a blessing 4 me! Degenerative means as we age it is supposed to worsen or deteriorate as we age. I am…