I Can’t Believe It’s A Banana! by Valerie Cheers Brown

The Truth About Bananas The banana plant (Musa, Musella, and Ensete) looks like a tree but is actually just a large herbaceous perennial. The banana tree “trunk” is more properly called a pseudostem because it does not lignify or undergo secondary growth like woody plants do. As a kid, I always wondered why or how…

Long-Term Effects by God by Valerie Cheers Brown

First, We Got To Have Faith Have you ever battled with anything in life and tried to fix it by using your way or man’s way? Well, it will not work! I am here to tell you that when I gave it to God, He fixed it! When you call on Him and claim it…

GFCF Truth by Valerie Cheers Brown

I visited a restaurant today in downtown Saint Louis and learned a lot just by reading, tasting and asking questions. I learned a word which I had never heard of before in my life. This word was music to my ears and had been having problems with stomach bloating and don’t eat a lot at…