How Can Plants Help Us? by Valerie Cheers Brown

One of the regular misconceptions about herbs is that a herb resembles pharmaceutical. For example, you simply take the plant orally like a pill and it specifically executes all microscopic organisms (great and awful). In any case, this is not a compelling approach to utilize herbs by any means. Albeit numerous herbs have exceptionally hostile…

Wanted Dead or Alive by Valerie Cheers Brow

Do you know that the average pesticide maker is actually making billions of dollars from our lack of knowledge? They have some of us really believing these are unwanted weeds. Is there maybe something they just don’t want us to know about those plants which seem to mysteriously grow back on their own no matter…

A Place in History For the Future by Valerie Cheers Brown

I find Dr. William B Coley’s remedy of mixed toxins making one disease cast out the other quite fascinating. Although I am not a doctor nor scientist, I still felt the urge and need to explain what this great man left behind for us to do further research and actual people studies actually curing one…

Heal Your Wound by Valerie Cheers Brown

There is no unique eating routine that will recuperate your injury or heal your wound, however, a sound dinner plan can help your wound mend quicker. Supplements that are essential for mending are protein, zinc, and vitamin C. Fluids are likewise imperative for wound recuperating. You can let God guide you and He will show…

More Medicine Less Curing by Valerie Cheers Brown

Aren’t you sick of commercials of new medications? Wouldn’t it be good news to just once see commercials of how a medication has cured? How would you like to see more health food stands with produce and less pharmacies? I became medication free in 2010 and it took for me to actually hit rock bottom…

A Little Dirt Will Do No Harm by Valerie Cheers Brown

Could it possibly be logical that germs could possibly help construct quality of life and help build immune strength? According to an article: Antibacterial Puts You and Others at Risk, the Mayo Clinic states, “Antibiotics can be lifesavers, but misuse has increased the number of drug-resistant germs. See how this affects you and what you…

Bouncing Back To Health by Valerie Cheers Brown

Do you know what something as simple as bouncing a ball could do for healing and improving the body, soul and mind? Do you know that bouncing a ball to music is good for lifting the spirits and also helps with forgetfulness? I have no stats to share because there are none that I could…

Buried Treasure by Valerie Cheers Brown

 Why do we call it alternative medicine when it is the original medicine that humans have used for thousands of years?  Modern medicine was only discovered 100 plus years ago! – Unknown author Your Doctor Can’t Cure Your Cancer Because — He Can’t Prevent or Cure His Own! Lorraine Day, M.D.  Doctors develop cancer at the…